SEO is a marketing technique oriented to make a web page appear in search engines being searched by a user, so that it can gain visits and interest. The difficult one is the marketing technique, but the complicated one is the strategy.
In this blog post we explain what Deep Linking is and why it is important for a website to become a trusted place for users.
This is the screenshot of a search engine showing the Results of a search we are performing. But what really is Deep Linking and why is it important for a website? We tell you.

What is Deep Linking and why is it important for SEO?
Deep linking is the practice of creating a link that bypasses a website’s organic content and goes directly to a merchant’s online store. The goal is to improve sales by directing people to a merchant’s product page.
An example of deep linking would be a link to a restaurant’s menu directing people to the restaurant’s online food ordering platform.
While the benefits of deep linking are obvious, there are also some risks. If a merchant does not set up a proper back-end system, their website could crash or be susceptible to hacking. In addition, some people don’t like being directed to a merchant’s website without being offered a choice. For these reasons, deep linking is often used with caution.
When used correctly, it can be a powerful tool for SEO. However, misuse can have unintended consequences. As always, it is best to err on the side of caution when using this technique.
Learn more about this concept What is Deep Linking?
Read more: Reasons to have an online store

How to create Deep Linking on your website?
A deep link is a direct link that leads to a specific page on your website. For example, if you have a product page on your website, you can create a deep link that leads to the product detail page. This type of link is very useful to share more information about a specific product or service, or to direct users to relevant resources on your website.
To create a Deep Linking, you just need to include a special code in your links. The code is a sequence of characters that begins with the # symbol and ends with the character a’s. For example, the code for a deep link to the product details page would be #product_details. This code can be placed anywhere in the link, but it is usually best to place it at the end of the link so that it is not accidentally removed when the link is previewed in a browser.
Once you have created your Deep Linking, you can use it just like any other link on your website. You can add it to posts, use it as a footer link, or even use it in links in email signatures.
With a little practice, you’ll be able to create some incredibly useful deep links in no time.

Benefits of Deep Linking on your website
Deep linking is the process of linking to a page from another page on the website. This is done by using invisible links or landing pages that direct the user to the original page. The main reason for doing this is for SEO reasons, as Google is more likely to rank a website that has several deep links than one that has only a few.
However, there are other reasons to consider deep linking your website, such as the following:
- 🔗 Increase conversions: Deep links can help increase online conversions by making it easier for potential customers to find the information they are looking for.
- 🔗 Increase traffic: By increasing traffic to your website, you can further promote your business and increase brand awareness.
- 🔗 Increase engagement: Deep Linking can increase engagement among your target audience, as they will be more likely to click on the link and visit your website.
- 🔗 Increase engagement on your social media accounts: By deeply linking all your social media profiles, you can further increase engagement and increase the number of followers.
- 🔗 Increase uptime: By having multiple deep links on your website, you can reduce the chances of downtime caused by SEO errors or other problems.
Want to know more? Here we tell you about how to attract traffic to my page, What is conversion rate, 9 strategies for customer service in social networks and How to do branding in social networks.

Challenges of Deep Linking on your website
While deep links are a great way to increase user engagement and provide value to search engines, they come with some unique challenges.
One of the biggest concerns is establishing and maintaining a high-quality backlink to your website. If you don’t carefully opt for click-through URLs and follow the other rules of search engine optimization, you could be devaluing your own website in the eyes of Google.
Another potential problem is accidental clicks. In order to work properly, deep linking requires users to enter their own path into the website. This can also be a problem if users regularly visit your page from other places on the web.
Finally, there is the issue of user experience. While there is no perfect way to handle this, it is important to find a balance that minimizes the impact on users without negatively affecting performance.
Overall, these challenges make deep linking a major commitment that requires careful planning and expertise.

Types of Deep Links
Web links
The concept of deep linking was first developed by Google in 2002, and today many popular websites, such as Facebook and Reddit, use them to allow users to navigate seamlessly between different sections of the site.
Although traditional web addresses do not allow for deep linking, there are many software solutions available that allow websites to build custom Deep Linking.
These solutions usually involve setting up a special code or template that is added to each website. Once the code is added, it allows visitors to move seamlessly from one section of the website to another without having to leave the original website.
Deep linking is a powerful tool that can help improve the user experience and make it easier to navigate between different sections of a website.

App links
Deep links App links are a new type of content marketing that uses links to drive traffic and leads to apps and add-ons to SaaS products.
In the past, marketers have used app links to drive app downloads, but their use has been limited due to concerns about rogue apps and unreliable links.
Deep Links app links solve these problems by using a verified link that leads to a trusted app or extension.
The link can be embedded in posts, blog entries and web pages, and can also be used in social media interactions. The link is unique, so users cannot simply copy and paste it. As a result, it more effectively converts visitors into leads and customers.
Deep Links App Links is a game changer for marketers who want to use links to drive sales.
That’s all for now. We’ll continue to update this post as more questions come in. If you have any questions about Deep Linking or any other SEO related topic, let us know in the comments. And stay tuned for more SEO tips as we get closer to spring.

Social communicator and audio visual producer.
I am an entrepreneur willing to learn, I like to train myself in different topics that have to do with the online world, I am currently improving my knowledge in persuasive texts (copy), SEO writing and community manager.